Monday, September 1, 2008

This is the very reason why red is one of my favorite colors.


Anonymous said...

mmmmm incredibly yummi

brown911 said...

What's up, Tank? Glad to see ya visit from time to time...

Anonymous said...

time to time? hehe.. you're always on my big boob blog shopping list..

in fact, ryan and i were goin on about that over at smoothieluv's site... they're talking about you bud :)

brown911 said...

Cool! I hope that many of those folks leave comments like you guys...It keeps me inspired. Also, I'm glad that we're out of the "jurisdiction" of the punk ass "Flickr Police". LOL!

I will eventually get my 8,000+ pics back on board.

Ryan said...

Hell we need to keep all us titty lovers united! (fist bump)