Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh Ryan...I don't even like this guy. Can you take me away from here in YOUR arms instead?

Oh my stars and stripes! If you turn THAT down, Ryan you're fired!


Unknown said...

I don't turn down good shit like that! Batter up baby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice pair of Asian Boobies right here mon

brown911 said...

LOL! I know that's right, Ryan!

brown911 said...

You get some of that, Jamaican Guy?

Anonymous said...

Brown, every now and again I love to have me some of dat yellow punani, not to mention if it come wid a nice pair of juggs, mon.

one love!

brown911 said...

Ohhh yeahh...Any babe, mocha (sistas), vanilla (Anglo), banana (asian), caramel (Indian or Middle Eastern) or cinnamon (Hispanic/Latina) are okay with me as long as they have a nice set of titties.

The_Swordsman said...

Ryan should his face all in those! WOW! Also,I like all of those exotic flavors too, Brown.

Unknown said...

I buried my face in there and then some! If you get my drift? ;)