Tuesday, August 4, 2009

More of the Supersexy Cleavage Fest's Hot Babes of Summer!

When I lift my hands, try not to pass out this time, Brown!

(I can't make any promises, Angela...Those look sooo phucking good!)


Unknown said...

Who can blame you Brown?

brown911 said...

I know that's right.

asher said...

If he does pass out, just slap him around with those titties for a second. It's better than smelling salts.

brown911 said...

That actually would put a smile on my face. In fact, that's making me smile right now just thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

wow.. feelin faint just lookin at the pic

The_Swordsman said...

Me too, Tank!

Anonymous said...

So good you were banned from flickr?!?! I'm total crap and I've been banned more times than I can honestly remember!!! LOL

brown911 said...

Most of my Frat brothers here experienced the same thing. Flickr is run by a bunch of hypocrites with double standards. They actually did me a favor.