Friday, August 28, 2009

The Supersexy Cleavage Fest is keeping the party going all night long.

It's either you and Ryan or just you, Brown...What will it be?

(Hmmm....I'm calling Ryan's house, but there's no answer. Alllllrighty then! I guess I know the answer to that multi-titty question.)


The_Swordsman said...

Call me greedy, but for the first hour it'll just be me then I'd call Ryan. I'm sure he'd do the same.

Ryan said...

Fuck dude! Call back! I was on the shitter.

Ryan said...

Good call Sword!

brown911 said...

Ha! Ha! Ha!!!!!! Sorry, Bro! I know it was hard for you to answer the door. Talk about bad timing, Ryan...

asher said...

Dude, you really need to get a cell phone. Can't be missing out on sweet titties b/c you have to drop the kids off at the pool.