Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The titties just keep on coming at the Supersexy Cleavage Fest...There's no stopping them!

Whatever, Brown! You couldn't resist my sweet orbs on your best day!
(I know, I know, Wifey! I just love how you try to seduce me, putting me to the test....and I lose every time.)


whiteboy said...

Wifey is one of the only women out there that gets me instantly hard. Lorna Morgan and Milena Velba are also in that select company. Carla Gugino (from the "clean world") also has the same affect. More Wifey please!

asher said...

"Losing" when she tries to seduce you is a relative term.

brown911 said...

You got it, WB...Who hasn't Wifey got hard on sight?

With those sweet titties, I never want to win a seduction battle against her...I surrender EVERY time!

The_Swordsman said...

Fuck! I love Wifey!