Friday, November 6, 2009

The BSSBB's Naked Fest is second to none!

Okay, Brown. We're naked...aren't you going to get naked too?

(Hell to the yeah! I've got to adjust this camera and it's on!)


asher said...

Come on B. They should never have to ask.

brown911 said...

I know that's right!

Ryan said...

Hey Brown? Whatya say we show these girls how to get down?!

brown911 said...

I know that's right. *fist bump*

whiteboy said...

Threesomes are good for the heart!

brown911 said...

Koochie, Koochie, good for the heart,

the more you eat, the more you phuck,

the more you phuck, the better you feel,

I need koochie with every meal.

(I know part it doesn't rhyme, but who gives a sh*t. You get the gist. LOL!)