Monday, March 1, 2010

At this Big Titty Block Party, the police crash it so they can JOIN IN!

OMG, Brown! You're freezing! Quick! Get under this sweater so I can warm you with my body heat!

If there's a day I WANT to be freezing, this is the day of all days!


Smoothie said...

Who is this lovely lady? She should get extra points for showing us those bra busters in snowy weather!

George said...

I'd go in face first.

whiteboy said...

I'd move to Norway to marry her, what stupendous bobs!


She is a beauty!

obiwansidisi said...


brown911 said...

I have no idea, Smoothie. I assure you she WILL have frequent appearances at this Big Titty Block Party! ;)

asher said...

Man I love the Winter Olympics!