Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mr. Brown, I heard you like girls in white t-shirts...How does this one look?

(Daaaaaaaaaaamn! You fill that t-shirt out very well! I think you've answered the question as to why I like girls in white t-shirts so much.)


The_Swordsman said...

Daaaaaamn! Dude, you are on point with this. I love chicks in white t-shirts now too. I get it!

Anonymous said...

goddamn! how does that girl not fall over??

btw: if you're around > Jammins I say! WOo WOo Winamp: Media Player:

brown911 said...

Sword, meet Tank! He's one of the blogger frat brothers on my blog.

Great tunes, Tank...I listened to the streamer and it's great.

...and yes, this chick has become and instant favorite.

Anonymous said...

good deal man .... i take requests...

better ways to get ahold of me on Yahoo messenger

naitroxmorethanu on aim

nait42 on msn

Ryan said...

Sweet Holy Jesus! You might need to do a whole "girls in white t-shirts" post! Nice titties on this one!

brown911 said...

I knew that one would get your attention, Ryan...just like the rest of us.