Tuesday, February 10, 2009

There's Ryan and Brown over there...I bet THESE will get Ryan's attention in no time. We already got Brown seduced, especially after last night, Lucy.

Dudes dream of having a threesome with those two....and yes, they've got me fully seduced.


The_Swordsman said...

Since Brown and Ryan haven't responded, here's my chance to take these ladies on my boat...They're so busy with those other babes, that they won't even notice....but I did! Heh! Heh!

Unknown said...

Why hello ladies. I think this was the first time I've ever choked and came at the same time...

Anonymous said...

tank throws a shiny object and distracts Brown and Ryan .. and then absconds with de laydeez

brown911 said...

That shiny object must've been pure gold to turn our eyes from those sweet looking titties.

Anonymous said...

hey man.. whatever it takes