Monday, January 18, 2010

As the NAKED FEST comes to the season finale, stay tuned for the premiere of...The Block Party of BABES!

Mr. Swordsman, this water feels sooo good. You behind me naked and hard would feel even better!

Yowza! Sword, you are one lucky dog!


Ryan said...

Grab her legs and start rockin that shit back and forth brah!

brown911 said...


asher said...

Ahh, inner tube sex. Gotta love it.

whiteboy said...

Slap that ass into oblivion!

Ryan said...

I think I'm going to try to crack her open like a set of crab legs.

brown911 said...


The_Swordsman said...

You're going to get it just like that, Jessica! I love babes that want to do it near the water.

Ryan said...

*singing* Rock the boat, don't rock the boat babyyyyy!